Resume DOs & DON'Ts | Let

Resume DOs & DON'Ts

Monday, November 23, 2015

A good resume can be ruined very quickly for any number of reasons. In this article I'll tell you the DOs and DON'Ts of making a resume, so you don't ruin all your hard work.

Let's start with the things you should do if you want to create a great resume.

Check for spelling mistakes - Spelling mistakes on your resume are a big warning sign to employers that you aren't taking the job application process seriously, so why should they hire you. The good thing is even if you are a bad speller you can use the spell check function in all word processors to correct your mistakes.

Match the contents to the Job - Each time you send your resume to an employer you should make sure that all the information in your resume is relevant to the role you are applying for. Irrelevant information only takes up space and is no use to the employer.

Make a professional email - You want your email to be easily recognisable and look professional. [email protected] looks much better than [email protected].

Be consistent - Follow the same style of layout and font throughout your resume. This will give it a clean and easy to read look. Stick to 1 to 2 different font styles at most.

Know your audience - If you're going to use a lot of technical jargon in your resume, make sure that the person reading it will understand what you're saying. The person reading your email may be from a different department and might not know the technical language of the job you're applying for.

Update Regularly - A resume is a living document. You need to update it when you start or finish a job or complete any education.

Now we'll move onto the Don'ts section. There are many things that can ruin a resume. Listed below are the things you should avoid doing.

Don't go over 3 pages in length - While you can get away with 3 pages if you have a lot of information to list. The third page may never get read, so make sure all your important information is on pages 1 and 2.

Don't send your resume without a cover letter - A resume sent by itself will often be tossed in the trash if it doesn't have an accompanying cover letter stating why they should hire you.

Don't Lie - In today's digital age it is easier than ever to figure out if someone is lying. Employers can easily find out the truth by checking with previous employers, checking social media or ringing that educational institution you said you attended. Don't lie, you will be caught and you won't get the job.

No Photo - Never include a photo on your resume. This just gives the employer an opportunity to discriminate against you before they have even met you.

No Personal Information - Do not include information on your religious or political views, age, marital status or ethnicity. This information is not relevant to the employer and it gives them yet another opportunity to discriminate against you.

No Fancy Graphics - You may think having a fancy border, pictures or font will make your resume stand out. The truth is though, all it does is take up space and make the whole document harder to read. If you want to use a border make sure it's not over the top, and doesn't distract the reader. Resumes that are hard to read go in the bin.

Until Next Time,

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